Submit your work.

As part of our mission to make the publishing industry more accessible to the AANHPI writing community, Third State Books accepts unsolicited and unagented submissions at

We try to define AANHPI as broadly as possible, and are open to working with writers situated in the Americas, from Canada to South America, of ethnic origins from West Asia to the Pacific Islands.

Due to the large volume of correspondence, we cannot guarantee a response to every query—but we will try. We request that you include in your query the essential information we need to evaluate your submission.

Please provide a Microsoft Word document or PDF containing:

  • A one-page synopsis of the plot and theme of your book

  • Your bio

  • The first fifty pages or first two chapters of your manuscript (if you are submitting a children’s book, include the entire manuscript)

We will not consider any submission that does not include these elements. Based on your query, synopsis, and sample text, we may contact you for more information.

Thank you for your consideration of the above guidelines, we look forward to reading you!

Contact us.

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